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6 cyber attacks that shook the world in 2014

Banks, retailers and high-tech companies are not succumb to the sophisticated network attacks by hackers. Below is the hottest cyber attack in 2014.

6. Sony Pictures

Sony Pictures is the most recent victim of hackers to attack the system is fierce, making the employees of Sony Pictures have switched to using pen and paper. Hackers took over 100TB of data ranging from employee passwords and credit card details to a medical history and details of salary administration.

[caption id="attachment_227" align="aligncenter" width="521"]6 cyber attacks that shook the world in 2014 6 cyber attacks that shook the world in 2014[/caption]

It is considered the worst attack on a company within the US, as Sony scandal reputation in information security, Jim Lewis, senior expert at the Institute of Strategic and International My comments.

Not only that, the hackers have launched five new films from Sony Pictures is "Annie", "Fury", "Still Alice", "Mr. Turner "and" To write love on her arms "Black Friday evening. Four of those films have not been released on the big screen. This incident will leave harm in the short term, the total losses for Sony may rolling landmark $ 100 million. This loss will blow into financial array of Sony Pictures Entertainment. But in addition, many other dangers, such as leakage of business secrets, it is difficult to measure in terms of numbers if really happened.

The FBI has started to investigate this incident and Sony Pictures have provided all information about current and past employees to assist in this investigation and to minimize any impact on business activities of the in the future.

5. Apple iCloud

This is not the biggest attack of the year, but the most attention because of the sensitive content from being distributed in late May 8. Hundreds of nudity "hot ball" of the famous female star turn was dispersal. The incident affecting mass popular artists such as Jennifer Lawrence, Kate Upton, Vanessa Hudgens, Rihanna, Hillary Duff, Kim Kardashian, Mary Elizabeth Winstead ...

[caption id="attachment_228" align="aligncenter" width="480"]Apple iCloud Apple iCloud[/caption]

In this case, a series of technology reputable sites such as The Next Web, Endgadget, ZDNet, .. had taken the said information, account Hackappcom revealed on Twitter that have found a vulnerability in the translation find My iPhone service (search my iPhone) Apple, to detect the Apple ID password (which is used in the general services such as Find my iPhone from Apple, iCloud, iTunes). Through these vulnerabilities, hackers have accessed services photostream to take images of Hollywood stars up on iCloud. Thus, the "hot images" of Hollywood artists hackers may have obtained this way.

Apple confirmed, hot photos leak was "intentional attacks" by hackers rather than iCloud holes. However, even though Apple has always maintained security systems are not "hack" but can not deny that the contents of sensitive information leakage is taken from the company's iCloud service. Therefore, after the leak, Apple has increased security, add new security features for iCloud services, to prevent the case of user accounts being hacked illegally.

4. JPMorgan Chase & Co

Despite aggressive spending to $ 250 million for security system in 2014, but the largest US bank can not prevent attacks from hackers on your network. Group hackers stole personal information of about 76 million households and 7 million small business customers of the bank. Stolen data includes the name, address, contact telephone number and email address. The stolen data can be used to withdraw money from customer accounts.

[caption id="attachment_229" align="aligncenter" width="480"] JPMorgan Chase & Co JPMorgan Chase & Co[/caption]

According to Bloomberg, Russia has invaded hackers, hacking of JPMorgan Chase & Co and at least one other bank. But still undetermined "culprit" exactly. But hackers have exploited the flaw in one of the bank's website and using malicious code "zero-day" to access the network and data access.

FBI and US Secret Service was investigating the cause of this incident and JPMorgan Chase & Co. said customers will not be responsible for any unauthorized transactions made on their account. It is not clear what financial losses but this incident greatly affected the reputation of the bank JPMorgan Chase & Co.

3. Offensive webcam monitoring

One of the attacks the most bizarre and curious of 2014 was uncovered last month when they broadcast online video content obtained from 730,000 worldwide webcam.

[caption id="attachment_230" align="aligncenter" width="480"] Offensive webcam monitoring Offensive webcam monitoring[/caption]

Site Insecam Russian online broadcast of thousands of webcam videos (including laptop) violation huge privacy issue. More than 730,000 cameras, including nearly 1,000 in Vietnam camera, webcam 584 in the UK was "broadcast" the public on the internet by Insecam. This web page spread multiple camera images bedrooms, gym, kids sleeping pictures ...

Representatives of this website declares, they did not break into the security camera, which can be accessed because they are not protected by passwords or security cameras because it uses the default login information.

2. eBay

Popular auction site - eBay being hacked is one of the biggest scandals of network security in the year when all of the user data stolen. Complete personal information including address, phone number and date of birth of all 145 million customers was stolen.

[caption id="attachment_231" align="aligncenter" width="480"]eBay eBay[/caption]

Cybercrime tactics were used in this case is said to be hacked login rights of employees. Then, using them to gain unauthorized access to the corporate network of eBay. eBay was only players when notifying the user about the incident soon after it discovered hackers attack two weeks earlier. However, the company has confirmed that there is no evidence of an increase in fraudulent activity. All users are advised to change your password.

1. Home Depot

Both the United States was startled to information 56 million credit card numbers were stolen from the system of Home Depot, America's leading group of home repair and construction materials. Not only that, hackers also stole 53 million email addresses from its host system. No standing hacker group claimed responsibility for the incident. The hackers used the information provider of third party access to the network of Home Depot. Then, malicious "zero day" was spread on the system self-test of Home Depot in the US and Canada. This system is implemented to collect the payment information of customers.

[caption id="attachment_232" align="aligncenter" width="480"]Home Depot Home Depot[/caption]

Malicious activities on networks of Home Depot during the period from April to September the past but has now been removed. The incident sounding the alarm about the dangers of businesses slow to upgrade their security systems. Home Depot said after the break-in, it has added many new encryption layer to the payment system of your credit card to limit the risk.

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