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Remark - Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template

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remark admin template features


Remark is a top rate, responsive, ingenious, customizable admin dashboard template in keeping with Bootstrap 4 (You can e-mail me to get the bootstrap v3 model). There are an enormous of tough parts construct with scss/much less css which makes it simple to switch.

It’s the newest assortment in our extremely dependable libraries, its componets quilt the most productive practices on information superhighway and cell. It can also be simply built-in into your tasks, permitting you to create answers on your long run designs temporarily.

Features List

  • Responsive structure (Desktops, Tablets and cell units)

  • Built with newest Bootstrap 4.Zero.Zero

  • Flat UI with Clean Style

  • HTML5 & CSS3

  • Bootstrap Like Data API

  • Implemented in Modular Scss/Less Files (compiled CSS integrated)

  • Extend Utilities Class

  • Angular UI Support

  • Grunt Tasks and Gulp duties

  • Bower Dependency Management

  • Developer Friendly Code

  • Code optimize with gear (htmlhint, jshint, lesshint, csslint, bootlint)

Full List

  • 1000+ UI Component

  • 100+ Widgets

  • Psd dossier comprises

  • Foldable Navigation with Infinite Levels

  • Horizontal Mega Menu

  • Multiple Layout

  • Quick Chat Panel

  • Touchable Slide Panel

  • Language Selector

  • Style of Site Guide

  • Loading Style (animsition.js)

  • Useful Forms Plugins Support

    • Form Vaidate

    • jQuery Wizard

    • jQuery Formatter

    • Image cropping

    • jQuery Fileupload

    • Select2

    • Bootstrap Select

    • Bootstrap Tokenfield

    • Bootstrap Tags Input

    • multiselect.js

    • typehead

    • Boostrap Maxlength

    • iCheck

    • switchery

    • clockpicker

    • jQuery timepicker

    • bootstrap-datepicker

    • datepair.js

    • jquery knob

    • jquery energy

    • card

    • labelauty

    • xeditable

    • Dropify

    • summernote

    • markdown editor

    • ace editor

  • 10 Chart Plugin Support

    • Chartist.js

    • C3

    • Chartks

    • Morris

    • Flot

    • Sparkline

    • Rickshaw

    • Peity

    • Gauges

    • Pie Progress

  • 9 Table Plugin

    • Bootstrap Table

    • Tablesaw

    • DataTables

    • editableTableWidget

    • glideTheadvert

    • jsGrid

    • FooTable

    • Jquery Tabledit

    • Table Dragger

  • Pages

    • Error pages(400, 401, 403, 404, 500 and 503)

    • Register(v1, v2, v3)

    • Login(v1, v2, v3)

    • Lockscreen

    • Maintenance

    • Forgot Password

    • FAQ

    • Email

    • Google Map

    • Vector Map

    • Invoice

    • People Profile(v1, v2, v3)

    • Search Result

    • User List

    • Code Editor

    • Gallery

    • Sitemap

    • Project

  • Calendar App

  • Contacts App

  • Mailbox App

  • Taskboard App

  • Media App

  • Documents App

  • Forum App

  • Projects App

  • Notebook app

  • Messages app

  • Work app

  • Location app

  • Travel app

AngularJs & ReactJs Version

You can e-mail us to get the pattern angularjs integration or reactjs integration (early get admission to model). The finished model will coming quickly.

Frontend Pages

You can e-mail us to get the frontend pages.

We Are Listen To You

We are open to any tips referring to Remark Admin Template. If you could have any thought, request, options simply tell us. We will upload it. Thanks.


Version 4.Zero.1 – 11th Nov 2017

### Improved
- New brand

### Fixed
- Mmenu animate factor
- Travel app factor
- Button define factor
- Roboto font no longer set factor

Version 4.Zero.Zero – ninth Nov 2017

### Improved
- New gulp development gadget
- Webpack pattern config
- New colour skins
- Automatic replace third dealer with gulp dealer job

### Updated
- bootstrap to v4-beta-2
- ace-builds to 1.2.9
- autosize to 4.Zero.Zero
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.19.1
- bootstrap-select to 1.12.4
- breakpoints-js to 1.Zero.5
- c3 to Zero.4.18
- chart.js to 2.7.1
- codemirror to 5.31.Zero
- cropper to 3.1.3
- d3 to 3.5.17
- fullcalendar to 3.6.2
- html5sortable to Zero.6.3
- intro.js to 2.8.Zero-alpha.1
- jquery to 3.2.1
- jquery-asBreadcrumbs to Zero.2.3
- jquery-asColor to Zero.3.6
- jquery-asColorPicker to Zero.4.4
- jquery-asGradient to Zero.3.3
- jquery-asHoverScroll to Zero.3.6
- jquery-asPaginator to Zero.3.3
- jquery-asPieProgress to Zero.4.7
- jquery-asProgress to Zero.2.4
- jquery-asRange to Zero.3.4
- jquery-asScrollable to Zero.4.10
- jquery-asScrollbar to Zero.5.7
- jquery-asSpinner to Zero.4.3
- jquery-slidePanel to Zero.3.5
- jquery-strength to Zero.2.5
- jquery-wizard to Zero.4.4
- jquery.mmenu to 6.1.8
- ladda to 1.Zero.5
- second to 2.19.1
- plyr to 2.Zero.16
- rickshaw to 1.6.3
- screenfull to 3.3.2
- select2 to 4.Zero.6-rc.Zero
- slick-carousel to 1.8.1
- summernote to Zero.8.8
- tablesaw to 3.Zero.5
- timepicker to 1.11.12
- FooTable to 3.1.6
- gauge.js to 1.3.5
- nestable2 to 1.6.Zero
- table-dragger to 1.Zero.2
- jquery-contextmenu 2.6.3
- datatables.internet to 1.10.16

Version 3.3.Zero – ninth July 2017

### Fixed
- Sortable record margin factor
- Sortable list-group margin factor
- Form wizard with pearls steps factor
- Blog wizard quilt quote border factor
- Menubar margin factor in heart structure
- Mailbox icon margin factor
- Gauge.js charts render factor
- Dropify font weight factor when hover
- Site menu merchandise sub degree no longer align factor
- List merchandise margin factor in ccode editor web page
- Menubar flipped structure factor
- Project structure damaged factor
- Panel portlets drag no longer running factor
- Jquery Tabledit btn toolbar factor
- Recent task widget textual content colour factor
- Flex structure factor in IE 11

### Updated
- ace-builds to 1.2.8
- autosize to 3.Zero.21
- bootbox to 1.7.1
- bootstrap-select to 1.12.3
- c3 to Zero.4.14
- chart.js to 2.6.Zero
- codemirror to 5.27.4
- cropper to 3.Zero.Zero-rc.3
- html5sortable to Zero.6.1
- ion-rangeslider to 2.2.Zero
- summernote to Zero.8.4
- tablesaw to 3.Zero.2
- to-markdown to 3.1.Zero
- mapbox.js to 3.1.1
- imagesloaded to 4.1.3

Version 3.2.1 – 19th May 2017

### Fixed
- topbar menu can not shut factor
- datatable buttons no longer running factor
- enter addon factor
- button addon factor
- record article sidebar factor
- navbar seek factor
- mega menu dropdown factor
- chat sidebar scroll factor
- button number one border factor

### Updated
- chartist to Zero.11.Zero
- codemirror to 5.25.2
- cropper to 3.Zero.Zero-rc.1
- d3 to 4.9.1
- fullcalendar to 3.4.Zero
- gridstack to Zero.3.Zero
- html5sortable to Zero.6.Zero
- isotope to 3.Zero.4
- mmenu to 6.1.Zero
- jstree to 3.3.4
- masonry to 4.2.Zero
- notie to 4.3.1
- plyr to 2.Zero.13
- screenfull to 3.2.Zero
- gauge.js to 1.3.4
- mapbox.js to 3.1.Zero
- media-match to 2.Zero.3
- imagesloaded to 4.1.2
- datatables to 1.10.15

Version 3.2.Zero – 3th April 2017

### Fixed
- Login, sign in web page menubar js error factor
- Document article record organization nav merchandise factor
- Skins colour factor
- Cover gallery factor
- Media heading font measurement factor
- Form maxlength plugin margin factor
- Menubar folded mode sub menu father or mother click on factor
- Safari information superhighway icons factor
- Tour demo no longer running factor

### Updated
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.18.Zero
- fullcalendar to 3.3.1
- maplace-js to Zero.2.10
- Summernote to Zero.8.3
- Brand icons to Zero.3.4
- Web icons to Zero.2.4

Version 3.1.2 – 27th March 2017

### Fixed
- Skins factor
- Form wizard factor
- Cover gallery factor
- Media heading font measurement factor
- List organization glide factor
- Bootstrap choose styling factor
- Tooltip arrow factor in widget web page
- Social wizard rounded nook factor
- Max duration standing textual content padding factor
- Footable searchbar styling factor
- Responsive desk choose structure factor
- Mailbox motion button no longer spotlight factor

### Updated
- codemirror to 5.25.Zero
- Cropper to 3.Zero.Zero-rc
- D3 to 4.7.3
- Fullcalendar to 3.3.Zero
- intro.js to 2.5.Zero
- ion-rangeslider to 2.1.7
- Jquery SlidePanel to Zero.3.4
- maplace-js to Zero.2.9
- second to 2.18.1
- spotlight.js to 9.10.Zero
- isotope to 3.Zero.3
- notie to 4.3.Zero
- screenfull to 3.1.Zero
- plyr to 2.Zero.12
- to-markdown to 3.Zero.4

Version 3.1.1 – 17th March 2017

### Fixed
- Menubar actived merchandise colour factor in Topbar structure
- nav-tab-vertical cast left factor
- nav-tabs-vertical border-bottom-color factor
- Remove pointless html and fasten kinds factor for footable plugin
- Badge no longer overlap icon factor
- Navbar seek factor
- input-group uot running factor

### Improved
- Replace context-menu plugin with new lively one
- w/h/m/p css helper elegance (utilties)
- use uncooked bootstrap scss supply as a substitute of changed one

### Updated
- Font superior icons to 4.7.Zero
- Web icons to Zero.2.3
- 7-stroke icons to 1.2.Zero
- Ionicons icons to 3.Zero.Zero
- Material design iconic icons to 2.2.Zero
- Open iconic icons to 1.1.1
- Themify icons to 1.Zero.1
- Weather icons to 1.3.2

Version 3.1.Zero – seventh March 2017

### Fixed
- A hyperlink button colour factor
- Icon field align computer virus
- Arrow spacing 1px computer virus for popover
- Panel movements instance toggle error
- Rating recordsdata lacking factor
- Ribbon factor with browser Edge and ie 11
- File add enter 1px area factor
- Jquery tabledit button background factor
- Bootstrap choose shadow factor in subject matter taste
- Bootstrap desk dynamic url drawback
- Datatable extention factor
- Chartist tooltip location factor
- Taskboard js error
- Menubar.js console error in Iconbar structure
- Topbar menu background colour factor in Topbar structure
- Topbar menu darkish pores and skin colour factor in Topbar structure
- Nav tabs console caution
- Dashboard v2 web page factor
- Floatthead best factor in Topbar and Topicon structure

### Improved
- Footable examples
- Rebuild construction/media.html base on flexbox
- Ribbon textual content overflow
- Utilties helper (sizing-w/h, spacing, flex)
- Rename tag to badge for keep away from conflicts with wordpress stlyes
- Adjust tooltip arrow
- Adjust card base on flexbox
- Adjust record organization base on flexbox
- Adjust input-group and btn-group base on flexbox
- Media app review web page
- Profile v2 web page

### Updated
- Bootstrap to 4.Zero.Zero-alpha.6 (20170307)
- ace-builds to 1.2.6
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.17.Zero
- bootstrap-table to 1.11.2
- chart.js to 2.5.Zero
- codemirror to 5.24.2
- cropper to 3.Zero.Zero-beta
- d3 to 4.7.Zero
- floatthead to 2.Zero.3
- fullcalendar to 3.2.Zero
- html5sortable to Zero.4.4
- jquery-match-height to Zero.7.2
- notie to 4.1.Zero
- tablesaw to 3.Zero.Zero

Version 3.Zero.6 – eighth January 2017

### Added
- table-dragger plugin

### Fixed
- font weight override factor
- panel motion web page js factor
- login v2 scrollbar factor
- trip app tabs factor
- repair app console caution factor

### Improved
- take away brand when loading

### Updated
- autosize to 3.Zero.20
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.14.2
- codemirror to 5.22.Zero
- d3 to 4.4.1
- datatables to 1.10.13
- fullcalendar to 3.1.Zero
- spotlight.js to 9.9.Zero
- html5sortable to Zero.4.3
- intro.js to 2.4.Zero
- ion-rangeslider to 2.1.6
- jquery-asScrollable to Zero.4.7
- jsgrid to 1.5.3
- notie to 3.9.5
- timepicker to 1.11.9

Version 3.Zero.5 – 4th December 2016

### Fixed
- mmenu structure grid menu factor
- icon unmarried web page vary factor
- Tablesaw taste factor
- login and sign in web page background picture factor
- chat sidebar cell place factor
- rename label elegance to tag

### Updated
- autosize to 3.Zero.19
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.14.Zero
- bootstrap-select to 1.12.1
- codemirror to 5.21.Zero
- d3 to 4.4.Zero
- datepair.js to Zero.4.15
- jquery-asRange to Zero.3.3
- second to 2.17.1
- plyr to 2.Zero.11
- tether to 1.4.Zero
- timepicker to 1.11.8

Version 3.Zero.3 – 17th November 2016

### Fixed
- Travel app js factor
- elementary desk js factor
- Contact app responsive factor
- Sidebar sm structure factor
- Iconbar menubar factor

### Updated
- autosize to 3.Zero.18
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.14.Zero
- chart.js to 2.4.Zero
- chartist to Zero.10.1
- codemirror to 5.20.2
- d3 to 4.3.Zero
- flag-icon-css to 2.8.Zero
- floatthead to 1.4.5
- jquery-asPieProgress to Zero.4.6
- jquery-selective to Zero.3.5
- jquery.mmenu to 5.7.8
- jstree to 3.3.3
- second to 2.16.Zero
- owl.carousel to 2.2.Zero
- plyr to 2.Zero.10
- raphael to 2.2.7
- timepicker to 1.11.6
- webui-popover to 1.2.17

Version 3.Zero.2 – 20th October 2016

### Fixed
- base structure frame elegance factor

### Improved
- skins scss

Version 3.Zero.1 – 16th October 2016

### Fixed
- menubar scrollable factor on topbar structure
- menubar scrollable factor on topicon structure
- js wreck approach typo factor
- touch app desk factor
- taskboard app console error
- calendar app js factor
- iconbar hover menu factor
- masonry factor
- subject matter floating box factor
- subject matter selectable desk factor

### Updated
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.12.6
- breakpoints-js to 1.Zero.4
- jquery-asBreadcrumbs to Zero.2.2
- jquery-asColorPicker to Zero.4.3
- jquery-asGradient to Zero.3.2
- jquery-asHoverScroll to Zero.3.1
- jquery-asPaginator to Zero.3.2
- jquery-asPieProgress to Zero.4.5
- jquery-asProgress to Zero.2.3
- jquery-asRange to Zero.3.2
- jquery-asScrollable to Zero.4.4
- jquery-asScrollbar to Zero.5.4
- jquery-asSpinner to Zero.4.2
- jquery-selective to Zero.3.3
- jquery-slidePanel to Zero.3.3
- jquery-strength to Zero.2.4
- jquery-wizard to Zero.4.3
- peity to 3.2.1
- tablesaw to 3.Zero.Zero-beta.3

Version 3.Zero.Zero – 10th October 2016

### Updated
- bootstrap to 4.Zero.Zero-alph-4
- ace-builds to 1.2.5
- alertify.js to 1.Zero.12
- animsition to 4.Zero.2
- autosize to 3.Zero.17
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.12.5
- bootbox to 4.4.Zero
- bootstrap-datepicker to 1.6.4
- bootstrap-markdown to 2.10.Zero
- bootstrap-select to 1.11.2
- bootstrap-sweetalert to 1.Zero.1
- bootstrap-table to 1.11.Zero
- bootstrap-tagsinput to Zero.7.1
- bootstrap-tokenfield to Zero.12.Zero
- bootstrap-touchspin to 3.1.1
- breakpoints-js to 1.Zero.3
- c3 to Zero.4.11
- chart.js to 2.3.Zero
- chartist to Zero.9.8
- clockpicker to Zero.Zero.7
- codemirror to 5.19.Zero
- cropper to 2.3.4
- d3 to 3.5.17
- datatables to 1.10.12
- datatables-fixedheader to 3.1.Zero
- datatables-tabletools to 2.2.2
- datepair.js to Zero.4.14
- draggabilly to 2.1.1
- dropify to Zero.2.1
- flag-icon-css to 2.4.Zero
- floatthead to 1.4.4
- fullcalendar to 3.Zero.1
- gmaps to Zero.4.24
- gridstack to Zero.2.6
- spotlight.js to 9.7.Zero
- holderjs to 2.9.4
- html5sortable to Zero.4.2
- intro.js to 2.3.Zero
- ion-rangeslider to 2.1.4
- isotope-layout to 3.Zero.1
- jquery to 2.2.4
- jquery-asBreadcrumbs to Zero.2.1
- jquery-asColor to Zero.3.4
- jquery-asColorPicker to Zero.4.1
- jquery-asGradient to Zero.3.1
- jquery-asHoverScroll to Zero.3.Zero
- jquery-asPaginator to Zero.3.1
- jquery-asPieProgress to Zero.4.4
- jquery-asProgress to Zero.2.2
- jquery-asRange to Zero.3.Zero
- jquery-asScrollable to Zero.4.3
- jquery-asScrollbar to Zero.5.3
- jquery-asSpinner to Zero.4.Zero
- jquery-knob to 1.2.11
- jquery-match-height to Zero.7.Zero
- jquery-mousewheel to 3.1.13
- jquery-placeholder to 2.3.1
- jquery-selective to Zero.3.2
- jquery-slidePanel to Zero.3.2
- jquery-strength to Zero.2.3
- jquery-tabledit to 1.Zero.Zero
- jquery-ui to 1.12.1
- jquery-wizard to Zero.4.2
- jquery.mmenu to 5.7.4
- jsgrid to 1.5.2
- jstree to 3.3.2
- jvectormap to 2.Zero.4
- ladda to 1.Zero.Zero
- layout-grid to 2.2.Zero
- magnific-popup to 1.1.Zero
- maplace-js to Zero.2.7
- marked to Zero.3.6
- masonry-layout to 4.1.1
- second to 2.15.1
- morris.js to Zero.5.Zero
- notie to 3.9.4
- owl.carousel to 2.1.4
- plyr to 2.Zero.7
- raphael to 2.2.6
- raty-js to 2.7.1
- rickshaw to 1.6.Zero-rc.Zero
- screenfull to 3.Zero.2
- select2 to 4.Zero.3
- slick-carousel to 1.6.Zero
- stickyfill to 1.1.1
- summernote to Zero.8.2
- switchery to Zero.Zero.2
- tablesaw to 3.Zero.Zero-beta.2
- tether to 1.3.7
- textarea-autosize to Zero.4.2
- timepicker to 1.11.5
- to-markdown to 3.Zero.1
- typeahead.js to Zero.11.1
- webui-popover to 1.2.16
- x-editable to 1.5.1
- Flot to Zero.8.3
- FooTable to 3.1.2
- bernii/gauge.js to 1.2.1
- jquery-labelauty to 1.1.1
- jquery_appear to Zero.3.6
- mapbox.js to 2.4.Zero
- media-match to 2.Zero.2
- toolbar to 1.1.Zero
- formvalidation to Zero.8.1
- jquery.sparkline to 2.1.2
- jquery-hoverintent to 1.8.1

Version 2.2.Zero – 15th April 2016

### Added
- Generator
- 'gulp serve' and 'grunt serve' job

### Improved
- Calendar app
- Email app
- Media app

### Fixed
- iconbar structure unmarried merchandise no longer clickable on cell factor
- use toast error as a substitute of toast threat
- sidebar modal width factor in cell tool
- navs pores and skin
- disable hover factor in heart structure
- chat answer scrollable factor
- and different problems

### Updated
- ace to 1.2.3
- alertify to 1.Zero.10
- blueimp-canvas-to-blob to 3.3.Zero
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.12.3
- blueimp-load-image to 2.6.1
- blueimp-tmpl to 3.4.Zero
- bootstrap-contextmenu to Zero.3.4
- bootstrap-datepicker to 1.6.Zero
- bootstrap-markdown to 2.10.Zero
- bootstrap-table to 1.10.1
- bootstrap-touchspin to 3.1.1
- card to 1.2.2
- chart-js to 2.Zero.Zero
- cropper to 2.3.Zero
- d3 to 3.5.16
- fullcalendar to 2.6.1
- gmaps to Zero.4.24
- gridstack to Zero.2.5
- html5sortable to Zero.3.1
- jquery-appear to Zero.3.6
- jt-timepicker to 1.8.11
- ladda-bootstrap to Zero.1.Zero
- magnific-popup to 1.1.Zero
- matchheight to Zero.7.Zero
- modernizr to 3.3.1
- plyr to 1.5.21
- rickshaw to 1.6.Zero-rc.Zero
- select2 to 4.Zero.2
- to-markdown to 3.Zero.Zero
- webui-popover to 1.2.7

Version 2.1.Zero – 18th December 2015

### Added
- Topicon structure
- Classic taste for Center structure
- Material taste Mmenu, Topbar, Iconbar and Base layouts
- Ecommerce dashboard
- Analytics dashboard
- Team dashboard
- Work app
- Location app
- Sitemap web page

### Changed
- Rewrite Contacts and Taskboard app with js mvc construction

### Fixed
- iconbar structure contact display no longer running factor
- base structure contact display no longer running factor
- slider vary no longer running on cell factor
- web page apart fastened factor
- datepicker dropdown arrow factor
- checkbox-custom and raido-custom in shape horizontal structure factor
- and others

### Updated
- bootstrap to 3.3.6
- alertify-js to 1.Zero.8
- animsition to 4.Zero.1
- blueimp-canvas-to-blob to 2.2.4
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.11.2
- blueimp-tmpl to 2.5.7
- bootstrap-hover-dropdown to 2.2.1
- card to 1.2.Zero
- cropper to 2.2.1
- datatables to 1.10.10
- datepair-js to Zero.4.14
- fullcalendar to 2.5.Zero
- jt-timepicker to 1.8.8
- media-match to Zero.1.Zero
- oclazyload to 1.Zero.9
- plyr to 1.3.7
- screenfull to 3.Zero.Zero
- select2 to 4.Zero.1
- slick-carousel to 1.5.9
- to-markdown to 1.3.Zero
- webui-popover to 1.2.3
- ashoverscroll to Zero.2.3
- asrange to Zero.2.6

Version 2.Zero.Zero – third November 2015

### Added
- Material taste
- Mmenu structure
- Topbar structure
- Iconbar structure
- Message app
- Notebook app
- Page apart fastened instance
- Autosize plugin

### Updated
- ace to 1.2.2
- alertify-js to 1.Zero.5
- blueimp-file-upload to 9.10.7
- bootstrap-contextmenu to Zero.3.3
- bootstrap-datepicker to 1.5.Zero
- bootstrap-table to 1.9.1
- bootstrap-treeview to 1.2.Zero
- card to 1.1.Zero
- chart-js to 1.Zero.2
- datatables-fixedheader to 3.Zero.Zero
- datepair-js to Zero.4.12
- filament-tablesaw to 2.Zero.1
- fullcalendar to 2.4.Zero
- spotlight.js to 8.9.1
- jquery to 2.1.4
- jt-timepicker to 1.8.4
- jvectormap to 2.Zero.4
- marked to Zero.3.4
- masonry to 3.3.2
- modernizr to 3.2.Zero
- multi-select to Zero.9.12
- nestable to 1.2.3
- owl-carousel to 2.Zero.Zero-beta.3
- slick-carousel to 1.5.8
- switchery to Zero.8.1
- toastr to 2.1.2
- webui-popover to 1.1.7
- brand-icons to Zero.3.3
- web-icons to Zero.2.3
- aspieprogress to Zero.3.4
- asscrollable to Zero.3.1

Version 1.1.2 – 17TH October 2015

### Fixed
- Responsive desk init dossier lacking factor
- Gulp dist html factor

Version 1.1.1 – 15TH October 2015

### Fixed
- Alertify.js no longer running factor
- Taskboard slidepanel no longer running factor

Version 1.1.Zero – 13TH October 2015

### Added
- Handlebars templates strengthen
- Gulp strengthen
- Taskboard app
- jsGrid plugin
- Layout grid
- Dropify plugin
- Menubar fold alt pores and skin
- Octicons icon package deal

### Improved
- Better menubar merchandise construction (take away pointless icon html)
- .site-menubar-keep as a substitute of data-auto-menubar="false"

### Fixed
- Menubar click on no longer running on contact tool factor
- Fanel fullscreen scrolling factor
- dossier add enter organization textual content factor
- repair subject matter fields spotlight colour in pores and skin

### Updated
- Alertify.js to 1.Zero.3
- angluar to 1.4.7
- angular-animate to 1.4.7
- angular-sanitize to 1.4.7
- angular-ui-bootstrap to Zero.14.1
- angular-ui-grid to 3.Zero.7
- animsition to 4.Zero.Zero
- bootstrap-datepicker to 1.4.1
- bootstrap-maxlength to 1.7.Zero
- bootstrap-table to 1.9.Zero
- chartist-plugin-tooltip to Zero.Zero.12
- cropper to 1.Zero.Zero
- datatables to 1.10.10
- datepair-js to Zero.4.11
- filament-tablesaw to 2.Zero.1
- gmap to Zero.4.21
- spotlight.js to 8.8.Zero
- jt-timepicker to 1.8.2
- modernizr to 3.1.Zero
- oclazyload to 1.Zero.6
- plyr to 1.3.6
- slidepanel to Zero.2.2

Version 1.Zero.7 – 1TH September 2015

### Improved
- Make mild menubar hover colour the use of number one colour in skins
- Make shape focal point colour the use of number one colour in skins
- Site Action Button plugin for higher the use of floating buttons
- Add vars-customs.much less dossier for writing tradition much less variables

### Fixed
- Site Menu click on forestall progagation factor
- Btn icon padding factor
- Floating labels enter factor in firefox & ie
- login v3 responsive factor

### Updated
- angular-ui-grid to v3.Zero.5
- animsition to v3.6.Zero
- cropper to v0.11.1
- gmaps to v0.4.19
- plyr to v1.3.5

Version 1.Zero.6 – 12TH August 2015

### Added
- Login web page v3
- Register web page v3

### Improved
- Make gridmenu scrollable
- Make navbar seek button extra clickable in xs solution
- Make dashboard extra interactive

### Changed
- Move inline kinds & scripts into standalone dossier
- Move gridmenu seciton script from web site.js to standalone dossier

### Updated
- Angular ui grid to v3.Zero.3
- cropper to v0.11.Zero
- jvectormap to v2.Zero.4
- plyr to v1.3.3
- toastr to v2.1.1

### Fixed
- Site footer overlap factor on two column structure web page
- Submenu hover background colour factor in mild menubar model
- Html overflow factor when slidePanel opened

Version 1.Zero.5 – 3TH August 2015

### Improved
- Material shape webkit autofill

### Changed
- '.before-run' elegance trade to '.css-menubar'
- '.after-run' elegance trade to '.js-menubar'

### Updated
- Angular ui bootstrap to v0.13.2

### Fixed
- Menu collapsed web page twinkle factor

Version 1.Zero.4 – 2TH August 2015

### Added
- Login web page v2
- Register web page v2

### Improved
- Documentation
- Label editable for Contacts app, Mailbox app, Calendar app
- Event edit for Contact app
- Selectable part
- Datatable upload row instance
- Chartist tooltip for dashboard

### Updated
- oclazyload to v1.Zero.4

### Fixed
- Skins override problems
- Animsition loader factor

Version 1.Zero.3 – 29TH July 2015

### Added
- Skins: brown, cyan, inexperienced, gray, indigo, orange, crimson, pink, pink, teal, yellow
- Gallery Page (with isotope)

### Improved
- Dashboard pages
- Angular Ui

### Updated
- angular-bootstrap to v0.13.1
- blueimp-canvas-to-blob to v2.2.Zero
- blueimp-file-upload to v9.10.5
- blueimp-load-image to v1.13.1
- blueimp-tmpl to v2.5.5
- bootstrap-datepicker
- datepair-js to v0.4.9
- spotlight.js to v8.6.Zero
- marked to v0.3.4
- oclazyload to v1.Zero.3
- plyr to v1.2.6
- slick-carousel to v1.5.8

### Fixed
- Wizard pager factor

Version 1.Zero.2 – 28TH July 2015

### Added
- Panel Transition
- Transitions for Contact App, Mailbox App, Media App, Projects App
- Animation for Tabs
- Item edit for Contact App
- Table Section
- Table Selectable
- Dark taste for Alert
- Social alert kinds
- Reply field for Sidebar Chat

### Improved
- Calendar App

### Fixed
- Checkbox click on factor on Media App
- Sub-menu merchandise cutoff in collapsed menu mode
- Google Map web page script lacking factor
- Donut chart label place factor
- Wizard pager no longer running factor

Version 1.Zero.1 – 24TH July 2015

### Added
- fooTable plugin
- NProgress.js plugin

Version 1.Zero.Zero – 23TH July 2015

- Initial unlock

👉 Find extra: Remark - Responsive Bootstrap 4 Admin Template


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