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About news: uber start mapping UK city streets

About news: Uber start mapping UK city streets. Taxi hailing app as a brilliant and controversial, depending on whom you questions. Here we have the company documented journey to a $50 billion valuation. Disclaimer: one was a bit bumpy...

[caption id="" align="aligncenter" width="580"]uber X About news: uber start mapping UK city streets About news: Uber start mapping UK city streets[/caption]
© Uber

About mapping UK city streets

Starts from 16 September 2016, pictures of UK city streets covered, starting with London. These images will be used according to the BBC, determine the best pick-up and drop off points around the city with plans to the mapping activities to Leeds, Manchester and Birmingham to expand. This image data will most likely support trans. driverless cars ambitions.

Uber, self propelled car pickups in Pittsburgh

In an interview with Bloomberg last month, Uber revealed CEO Travis Kalanick, that's around 100 "driverless car" is provided in Pittsburgh. Each vehicle will be equipped with self-propelled functions and will be designed by an engineer, to take control of the car, to pay attention to record his progress with the addition of a computer when necessary and co-pilot and occupied their map data.

This step comes Otto to Uber, a start-up supply acquired with the aim of autonomy, trucks and truck. Numerous reports have suggested that Uber can use these features in your own self propelled car plan or possibly his own driverless truck business. complaint about TfL takes

Above plan, to driver to written English, strength test

About legal action against the London transport authority TFL is about his plans, about drivers force passed a written test in English. The legal battle focuses on TFLs new rules for private hire, requiring to take people from non-English speaking countries (and password) a compulsory English written costs £200 test driver.

About problem with TfLs rule that riders must be covered by commercial insurance during the out-of-work hours also.

Uber celebrates four years service in London

29 June 2016

Uber operates in London for 2012 when it launched 90 cars in the capital. In the same year rolled out about services to Toronto and Sydney with a soft launch in Singapore in spring 2013 take place. 

Uber leads business profiles

19 November 2015

Above a new feature has enabled all users between their personal and business profiles change, to ensure a business travel just got back to the company charged.

This will cut down on the need to keep receipts and file costs forms, but can also lead to some red faces, if users forget between accounts go.

About Chief jumps ship

The man responsible for international expansion want taxi-app leaves the company, according to regulatory challenges in Europe.

Neil WASS, senior Vice President for Europe, Middle East, Africa and Asia-Pacific Uber leaves at the end of the year, according to the financial times .

About bids reportedly $3 billion for Nokia here's mapping business

8 may 2015

Taxi app Uber has companies in a bid to bid for Nokia here, reduce the dependence on Google, mapping is, reports suggest

Uber and Lyft drivers could soon be controlled more stringent background

a U.S. Court 27 April 2015

is mulling over a bill that would undergo criminal background checks of Massachusetts based drivers for companies like Uber and Lyft. 

, that security provision only one outlined in a bill of materials that is designed is to regulate carpooling company, without suffocating them.

you read more here. 

Uber under fire for alleged discrimination stowaways

21 April 2015

A court proceedings, which allows about stowaways claimed discriminated against despite attempt go of Uber's have thrown, a California judge ruled. 

That provides action affecting several alleged incidents, in which about driver service, stowaways with companion animals, refused one more battle over whether Uber should be subject to selling rules, that cover taxis, buses and other public transport companies.

Above in "sharing economy" confrontation with the Government of the United Kingdom

20 March 2015

About is in a confrontation with the Government over whether it can reveal part of the sharing economy in the United Kingdom, Techworld . That San Francisco-based company has interest in joining the newly-created, Government-sponsored (SEUK) sharing economy UK trade body expressing, but there are a number of obstacles that must be overcome before. Read more

Uber back in court after the California taxi company's false advertising

19 March 2015

Taxi companies in California have about technologies in Federal Court charging the trip hailing app smartphones with misleading advertising concerning the safety of his rides sued.

Uber has false and misleading advertising concerning the safety of rides on the UberX platform, criticized the safety of taxi rides offered by the taxi companies, 19 companies, said in a lawsuit filed Wednesday in the U.S. District Court for the Northern District of California, San Francisco Department.

Uber and Lyft business model challenge about driver status

11 March 2015

The two companies want to classify their drivers as contractors, not employees, that is, not the protection of labour law are subject to.

In separate cases, two federal judges of the status of the driver said the company must be decided by juries. If the drivers are employees, she could be minimum wages and any tips that pay customers, as well as other benefits entitled. In this sense, the case is regarded as a legal test, which could affect other companies in the "sharing economy"

Uber direction searches with DeCarta Association purchase

4 March 2015

Uber bought maps and location-based company DeCarta in a bid to improve the performance of its driver, and to develop new services.

California of resident DeCarta holds a variety of data to the chart, local search, and turn-by-turn navigation. Its global location based services from Google maps (2005-2008) used were, and today by GM's OnStar, Ford Sync, Samsung, INRIX, BlackBerry and more than 25 mobile operators are used worldwide.

About founders make it into Forbes billionaire list

3 March 2015

About founder Travis Kalanick and Garrett Camp are newcomers in the Forbes annual ranking of billionaires in the world, with a net worth of $5. 3bn. Ryan graves, who supposedly answered five years ago "hire me :)" on a Tweet about a job with an unknown startup, $1.4 billion is worth now. Nice money if it can but old new technology dominated the rankings money..

Personal information on 50,000 Uber drivers exposed to injury

2 March 2015

The name, and car numbers the company revealed Friday compromised drivers by about 50,000 Uber in a security breach last year.

Uber hopes to attract customers worldwide by Starwood Hotels partnership

25 FebUAR 2015 to begin

Uber rewards its customers every time, when you stay at a particular hotel. The ride service along with Starwood hailing Hotels & Resorts, to increase the use of their app among the well-traveled crowd. Through the partnership, members can their accounts with Uber accounts link the Starwood customer binding program, and earn Starwood credits, when they have to take an over ride. They will earn more credits if they take the ride 1,200 hotels in 100 countries during your stay in one of the hotel company

Uber raises an additional 1 billion $ for investor demand

20 February 2015

Uber released to raise more shares in a bid to meet an additional $1 billion, and investor demand. The newest addition brings increased to $2.8 billion the total of the Uber of the financing round. The additional cash injection increases not trans. rating, which is still $40 billion.

Buy Uber might give Google a ride into the future

3 February 2015

Google Uber invested at least $258 million, but there are a few reasons why a complete acquisition certainly makes sense.

The company go in part the same directions. Uber and Google work now on driverless car technology and transport and delivery. Uber announced the founding of the "Uber advanced technologies Centre" in Pittsburgh through a partnership with Carnegie Mellon University, focusing on long-term technology in the fields of mapping, vehicle safety, and "Autonomy technology." Were to acquire Google Uber, deeper can head off a possible confrontation between the companies as both push similar services in developing countries.

Above the back driverless car research with new technology Center

3 February

2015 Uber will open a technology center in the vicinity of Carnegie Mellon University, driverless cars on the road get to help.

the research team, in the vicinity of the Carnegie Mellon campus in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, serves the Association, auto security and automated robotics.

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about passengers of the Delhi rape allegedly complains in United States

29 January 2015

a passenger who says she was raped and sexually assaulted by a Uber driver in New Delhi in a US Court claims Uber complains that the company acted negligently and that second to win his commitment for the safety of passengers coming.

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Uber woos European cities with the promise of 50,000 new jobs by 2015 in 2015

19 Janurary

, Uber promises 50,000 new jobs in Europe in the year 2015 in a bid to more cities on the continent, hailing his drive to approve service.

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can still startup be classified as Uber?

January 19

2015 Uber can still be classified as a startup if CEO Travis Kalanick creates successfully 50,000 jobs across Europe this year? The company believes it can, but others are not so sure. 

still keep many of the world's largest technology companies, including Google and Facebook, for startups in one sense or another. In fact, they see a startup as more a State of mentality as opposed to how old is the company, its revenues are how big or how many employees busy. 

when asked whether about is still a start-up, a spokesman for the company said: "I have not heard otherwise."

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Uber Boston gives data

13 January

2015 Boston city officials are the first ones who plunge their fingers to Uber Cup data, laid out in the new plans by the mobile service car-summoning.

which says trouble Uber, aimed at urban planning in areas, the management of urban growth and improve traffic flow and congestion. See how could travel to urban residents, communities have better information for the creation or reducing the park areas, for example, Uber said. The local supervisory authorities as a trans. data the travel documents of traditional taxi and another car service providers, already receive.

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Uber associated controversies and conflicts all over the world, by data analysis firm silk

8 January

2015 annoying encounters opposition from courts Uber and taxi drivers in almost every city works. The extent of the controversy made it difficult for some people to keep, but data analysts on silk now have a number of visualizations, created representing each want legal conflicts around the world.

read more here . 

Uber pulse bonus program for UK drivers

extended 7 January

2015 Uber extends his driver benefits program from the United States to the United Kingdom as part of efforts to bring more taxi drivers to its service to register.

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Uber sees hire hundreds of people worldwide but only 13 in the United Kingdom

6 January

2015 grows Uber aggressive worldwide but it is clearly to hunt some markets more than others. Data analysis, the solid silk suggests that Uber published data focus grows especially at the end of last year on its activities in Asia.

about not 144 drivers in Asia, Europe, South America, Oceania, 28 29 81 17 in Africa and the Middle East, according to the data sent, Techworld wants to recruit at the end of December.

in the UK, about is recruiting for 13 positions, with seven of those, under operations, two under local marketing and support and two under policy and communications. There are no engineering positions advertised in the United Kingdom, despite the established technical communities around star cluster as London's Silicon roundabout and Cambridge.

you read more here. 

Uber's turning to increase rates in the vicinity of Sydney hostage

15 December 2014

Uber offers the public free rides after it was criticized for increasing the price of travel around the area where hostages being held in Sydney, Australia instead.

about tariffs increased business district (CBD) four times due to the high demand in Sydney's central after a hostage-taking at a Café.

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more trouble wedding has been Uber in Brussels

15 December

2014 © iStock/Jorisvo

more trouble brewing for ride hailing service is Uber in Brussels , where the Minister for mobility he is one Complaint to the police announced to the company's Web site offline in Belgium.

you read more here. 

Uber hit with consumer protection actions in San Francisco and LA

10 December

2014 was hit above with a lawsuit by the State lawyers for Los Angeles and San Francisco, which casts may result in misleading consumers about the background check on drivers, and millions of dollars in fines.

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"Arrogant" Uber need tires before the IPO, says from VC

December 9 2014

Uber have to change his tactics, when it comes to a joint stock company as U.S. venture capitalists warned. 

Fred Wilson, managing partner at New York-based Union Square Ventures, said Uber has "arrogant" and "ruthless" approach to dig, if she wants to go public and its $40 billion-to realize review.

Uber business model on the Le Web Conference in Paris describes, the experienced investor said: "his ruthless execution combined with a swagger and an arrogance, which unlike anything I've ever seen." The ability to run comes from this arrogance and boasting.

"but a public limited company to be, find out how to become more mature need."

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about founder TravKalanick confirmed 3 December billion dollar financing round


2014 © TechCrunch

Uber confirmed today that it has successfully raised more than $1 billion (£ 600 million) in its latest financing round.

the announcement, revealed in a blog post by founder Travis Kalanick, means that Uber could be up to $40 billion (£ 25 billion), exceeds the likes of Twitter has a market capitalization of $25 billion.

you read more here. 

Silicon Valley startups explore power of political lobbying

3 December

you are masters of innovation in some areas, but start-ups like Airbnb, Uber, sidecar and fit bit 2014 determine that when it comes Washington, DC, the old ways are the best.

in the last few months, several young technology companies have confidence in the power of money, to influence government policy and regulation. Some lobbying of the Federal Government for the first time, while other advocacy work expanded, opened their own offices in the U.S. capital.

you read more here. 

about Twitter market cap inserts overtake, as it looks to increase $1 billion

26 November 2014

© iStock/German

controversial taxi car rental app Uber is located on the edge of the increase of $1 billion (£ 633 million) in a move , the company in the value of up to $ 40 billion (£ 25 billion) could see. 

you read more here. 

Spotify and Uber a team around passengers stream playlist

17 November to Valley car-sharing giant Uber in a move

allow 2014 European music streaming service Spotify with Silicon allow passengers their playlists directly above the driver's cab stereo streaming.

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be assessed or hated? The secret to the get a good score by your Uber driver

6 November 2014

, while you were busy driver review your last Uber last Uber drivers was busy, you review.

not everyone notices it, but driver, the Uber, Lyft and other services use receive an assessment of their riders and those notes can affect how quickly you abgeholt-- get or whether you picked up at all.

you read more here. 

Hailo CTO: "I've never used Uber and yet I will"

28th of October 2014

a Hailo has revealed boss, car-sharing service above, rivals is that he never used and still it intends to.

Rorie Devine, chief technology officer (CTO) at London taxi hailing service Hailo, Techworld said this week: "I never met a Uber-ride in my life."

you read more here. 

TfL refers trans. disputed tax matters to HMRC

16 October

2014 transport for London (TfL) demanded British tax officials at her Majesty Revenue & Customs (HMRC) investigating San Francisco CarSharing service above.

want operational arm, Uber BV is headquartered in the no tax on winnings Netherlands, which means that pays companies makes it through his business in the UK. 

you read more here. 

Government, review of the Kingdom split September 29 conduct business


The British Government today launched a review of the "sharing economy" in a bid , the economic and the social issues to understand that are generated when people about products and services to share on the Internet.

The contribution, initiated the Department for business, innovation and skills, consider the impact of fast-growing companies like Airbnb, causing to rent people, other people rooms or apartments, and Uber, which car owners, so that a life of one other CA

Uber nationwide Court Frankfurt

2 September banned 2014

Uber banned been in whole Germany after a court in Frankfurt am Main.

the interim injunction was issued, after the German taxi industry pointed out that the company headquartered in San Francisco, has had a valuation of $17 billion (£ 10.25 billion) and not the official taxi permits, which are required to operate under Germany's passenger transport Act.

you read more here. 

Uber taxi app in Berlin for security reasons

14 August banned

2014 Uber was banned by the City State Department of civil and regulatory affairs in Berlin.

a statement revealed it had banned the app directed authority you in Berlin in February last year for security reasons passengers and threatened the company with a 25,000 euro (£20,000) for ignoring the order.

you read more here. 

rivalry Uber and Lyft gets ugly

13 August

2014 are Uber and Lyft's out in the in the nascent market for on-demand transport to work. Competition between the two was hard, but now they each claiming others are attempting to sabotage her business.

Lyft said that around 180 staff at Uber had ordered and then cancelled thousands of Lyft rides since October, slows down its service and causing rates lost. "It is unfortunate for affected community members that they have used this tactic," a spokeswoman of Lyft said at the time.


London's black taxi drivers go on strike against Uber

12 June 2014

Were London's roads to a standstill Uber brought yesterday as thousands of black taxi drivers protested against U.S. taxi companies. The licensed taxi drivers Association (LTDA), who helped to organize the protest, said Uber drivers use Smartphone apps to develop rates, even though it be illegally equipped for private vehicles with a taximeter. 

London cabs of serious chaos in protest against Uber

9 may cause 2014

London's black taxi drivers are planning "Chaos, congestion and confusion" bring on streets of the capital during a protest against the Silicon Valley Smartphone taxi service above.

The licensed taxi drivers Association (LTDA) said that Uber drivers to work, tariffs, although illegal for private vehicles with a taximeter fitted his Smartphone apps use it.

Google Maps app blends well with Uber

6 May 2014

2014 a uUing function with the people to find out would be required to wait as long for a ride with the Uber, is one of the new navigation tools in Google maps mobile app. A map for Uber in the options for each destination appears together with transit and , so that the user can compare his options in the updated Android and iOS versions of CA

EU Commission VP Neelie Kroes "outraged" on like Belgium Uber

14 April prohibits 2014

European Commission VP Neelie Kroes has struck against a court decision today, the Uber carpool app is used, forbidden in Belgium.The judgment means that about €10,000 for each violation will be punished.

Uber ride sharing service from Brussels court ban

15 April hit 2014

A Brussels Court has Uber from operating his trip hailing service in the city, because its drivers have no taxi license, reported local media Tuesday banned. If it ignored the ban, Uber must pay a contractual penalty in the amount of €10,000 (US$ 13.800) per violation.

Uber started his ride sharing service UberPop in Brussels in February allows users, book a trip, from their smartphone at a rate of €0.35 per minute and €0.80 per kilometre, with a minimum fare of €4, Uber site according to. 

The rates are about one-fifth less than in typical Brussels taxi tariffs. The drivers are a valid driving licence for at least three years in the possession of independent personalities, and were by the company checks.

Uber now delivers packages with rush courier service

7 April 2014

Uber rolled out a new service on Monday rush, let people order pick-up and delivery of packages with the Uber-app called. It will initially only South of 110th Street in Manhattan, but Uber says that the coverage will expand quickly. If the service is successful, it is probably to other cities, as well as bring.


March 2009

Source: http://www.techworld.com/

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