This week in play: tyranny snags a release date, polygonal Lara Croft returns
This week in play: tyranny snags a release date, polygonal Lara Croft returns. Hey civilization fanatics: maybe try this weekend outside will. Know, before CIV VI next Friday. You may get a good idea, some sunlight. The rest of you? Continue reading this follow-up. This week we have a release date for tyranny and overwatch and polygonal Lara Croft excellent Halloween event with the appalling Dr. Junkenstein. Thats gaming news for the October 10-14
[caption id="attachment_1436" align="aligncenter" width="580"]Petty theft
This weekend steam freebie is smash + grab , a multiplayer Beat-em-up game, and the sleeping dogs latest from developer United Front. I haven't been out yet it, and yet... well, maybe I'm going this weekend. It's finally up Tuesday, free of charge.
And who owns a Vive, raw data is also available for free to try out this weekend. I would recommend it - it is one of the better (read: more polished) VR-shooter, although its early access status means there is at the moment still bugs and balance issues are worked out.
The dark side
Every few months EA drops a further extension for Star Wars: the old Republic and I think to myself "..." "If only these a Knights of the old Republic game." It's a feeling, I have now for about five years, and this latest trailer for the extension coming Knights of the eternal throne has just held (nice) made it worse:
That dark side
We are in the middle of autumn, well-known games falling left and right, and I there is no more excited than tyranny [19459004bin] - Obsidian "the struggle between good and evil happened and evil won"CRPG in the pillars of eternity engine installed. And it is here less than a month from now. As disclosed Thursday, tyranny starts on November 10.
I am one last we had heard little tea cup
, by Max Fleischer-esque cartoon game platforming on what originally was a fully formed by the boss battles turned Cuphead , which had developers. A company only "add platforming", and so it comes as little surprise that the game has been delayed in 2017. Let's all shed tears on this occasion a great cartoon.
Prey to
2 prey as a lady want to play? Now, we renewed his followers as such already knew, but now it wants the Bethesda. Here Morgan Yu is a bit different than the last time,:
Prepare for single player
Respawn must feel really broken up, that Titanfall is a single-player campaign, not because they just don't stop talking, its inclusion in Titanfall 2. Here is a snapshot of the respawn "single player gameplay vision" go next to the cinematic trailer from a couple weeks ago.
a co-op? In overwatch ? Apparently so. Play Halloween event sprays, this week live, and went along with a bevy of skins, icons, et al. a new game mode is "Halloween terror", a Dr. Junkenstein actor. Make sure that between now and November 1 play, if you that sweet sweet booty, want. I think th
Tomb Raider 20
Almost makes me want a second time through the whole game to play.
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