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Top 10 health benefits of almonds

Almonds are one of the healthiest foods that you’ll ever find. Although they are very popularly called nuts, it might surprise you to know that almonds are actually the seeds of the plant. Almonds are a complete food, packed with all the possible nutrients a body needs for a healthy existence. It is beneficial any to anyone of any age. When it is consumed regularly at a young age, the problems associated with old age are less important. Almonds feed systems cardiovascular, digestive, neurological, Musculoskeletal and other body in a balanced way. Although each constituents present in almonds have some or other beneficial effects on the human body, what follows are the top 10 most widely recognized and proven by the benefits of these magic seeds.

Top 10 health benefits of almonds

10. Blood pressure.


one of the major reasons for high blood pressure or hypertension in the world today is obesity. Because almonds are rich in HDL they help regulate normal blood flow. Almonds also contain necessary minerals such as potassium, magnesium, which are also essential for the normal functioning and the pumping action of the heart rhythm. Have a few almonds each day can help people control blood pressure. It’s probably the safest way to fight hypertension absolutely no side effects.

9. Diabetes


Almonds are well established regarding their Glycemic Index (GI). The Glycemic Index is actually a measure of ability of substrate to raise the level of sugar in the blood after its consumption. IM of almond is quite low, making it a very safe food for diabetics. It has also been found that almonds really prevent elevation of sugar in the blood after consumption of meals. So if a meal is supported at base of almonds, it may very well control blood sugar problem. It can not only control the diabetes but also prevent him.

8.The immunity


Immunity is the ability of your body to fight the disease. Almond is one of those substances that can boost your immunity significantly. Almond contains about 20 + flavonoids which is an anti oxidant. Antioxidants prevent free radicals that are very often produced in the body damage to the organs. Flavonoids also have anti inflammatory, antibiotic and other properties as well. In addition, the flavonoids also improve the action of vitamin C, which is of immense importance in maintaining the integrity of the blood vessels. The effects of vitamin C are increased in the presence of flavonoids. Almonds also contain vitamins B2, minerals like Calcium, phosphorus, Potassium, magnesium, etc. that help maintain bone strength. Thus having a few almonds every day can ensure a State of health.

7. Power source.


The almonds are a rich source of energy. Almonds provide about 17% of the daily intake of vitamin B2, which is responsible for the production of energy from the food we eat. In addition, almond contains 26% of carbohydrates, and it goes without saying that carbohydrates are the source first of the energy body. Next on the list are proteins that are as abundant as 20% in raw almonds. Almonds also control the rate of body fat and maintain circulation effective. So the athletes are always advised to consume almonds. If you run out of energy just snack in an almond containing the product to fill your body.

6. Improve County Hb


Hb i.e. hemoglobin is an iron containing protein found in red blood cells of all vertebrates, including humans. The main function of Hb is to carry oxygen is transported by the blood to all cells in the body. In anemia, the red blood cell count is very catchy at the same time a fall in the count of Hb. The individual do not meet the requirements of the O2 from his body. Almonds contain a good amount of iron, magnesium and several other vitamins contributing together to increase the production of RBC and Hb in the body. Thus, the almonds are of great value to the anemic.

5. Cancer


Almonds contain a good amount of fiber, which is vitally important when it comes to your digestive system. The fibers are essential to build the large intestine. The fiber in the diet promote easy evacuation of the bowel contents. This complete cleansing of the digestive tract is very important. Of the 26% of carbohydrates found in almonds, 12% is dietary fiber. Thus, consumption of almonds ensures healthy intestine. You will avoid the risk of colon cancer. Improved blood circulation also acts as a system detoxifier help more in the cleaning of internal systems.  It has also been reported that vitamin E and flavonoids present in almonds phytochemical, avoid the chances of suffering from breast cancer.

4. Hair tonic


We live a life quite fast-paced. It is almost impossible to avoid the food outside, pollution, travel, stress etc. Amidst all this, most of us fail to give the necessary time and treatment. Hair loss is a very common problem for us. Not only that, the hair becomes dry, looks dull and damaged due to the use of shampoo and styling gels and conditioners. Add to gravity is the persistent presence of dandruff. There is something simple that the almonds. Consumption of almonds provides a good amount of vitamin E that is of great importance when it comes to the quality of your skin and hair. Massage your scalp and hair with almond oil provides moisture to your hair and gives them a shiny appearance. The hair looked easier to manage. Premature can also be taken in load off with almonds. Apply oil of almond twice a week on a regular basis.

3. Congenital malformations.


One of the main requirements for a development of growth and the healthy tissue organ is folic acid.  In the meantime women often face a deficit of this essential nutrient and are therefore always on supplements to meet their needs. Folic acid plays a very important role to ensure a healthy development of the fetus. Deficiency in folic acid at this time can cause various birth defects such as neural tube defects. Almonds contain a rich amount of folic acid, which is readily available to the body. Having thus almonds during pregnancy can make sure that your child gets the proper nutrition from the very beginning.

2. Brain booster.


Almonds have the capacity to trap of carnitine and Riboflavin, which helps improve your brain function. Almond also contains phenylalanine, which is responsible for effective cognitive functions. So the consumption of almonds helps you improve your abilities like learning, memory etc. The functioning of the brain is obstructed as a person ages. Almonds can help control these degenerative changes to a large extent.

1. Management of cholesterol


The most dangerous form of cholesterol in the body is the LDL (Low Density Lipoprotein) accumulates in the body because of all the possible disastrous effects of fat. Therefore, they are also called “bad cholesterol.” Almonds contain a generous amount of monounsaturated and polyunsaturated fatty acids which lead to the production of HDL (High Density Lipoprotein) which are referred to as the “good cholesterol” because of their beneficial effects. Thus, consumption of almonds on a regular basis is a great remedy to manage your cholesterol levels. Research has indicated that people who consume a handful of these seeds per day were successful in bringing their levels of bad cholesterol by an incredible 4.8% while that with 2 handfuls of almonds people were able to remove their rate of 8.4% LDL.

Source: http://sherevealed.com/stars/top-10-health-benefits-almonds/

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